GoodBerry Games Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice describes how we and our affiliates collect, use, process, transfer and share Personal Information (as defined below) that we collect about you.

This Privacy Notice applies to all of our Games, whether played on our mobile applications or on other platforms such as Facebook. It also applies to our advertising activities on all platforms as described below and our Services that we may provide to you from time to time.

Personal Information we collect. When you register, we collect your basic profile information from Facebook and/or any other third party log-in service and/or app store and/or play store. We also collect information about your use of the Games and/or Services.

Basis for processing your Personal Information. Processing your Personal Information is necessary for the performance of the Terms and the provision of the Games and Services to you.

Use of your Personal Information. We use your Personal Information mainly to administer and provide the Games, and Services, contact you with administrative information, contact you with marketing offers (if you indicated your desire to receive those), and improve the Games, and Services.

Sharing your Personal Information. We may share your Personal Information with our service providers and subcontractors who assist us in the internal operation of the Games, and Services and process the Personal Information on our behalf and under our instructions.

Your rights. Subject to applicable law, you may have a right to access, update or delete your Personal Information and obtain a copy of the Personal Information we have collected about you. You also have the right to object to certain processing, including the right to object, at any time, to process your Personal Information for marketing purposes.

Changes to the Privacy Notice. We may change this Privacy Notice from time and shall notify you of such changes.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We, our vendors, business partners, service providers and subcontractors may use your Personal Information for a number of purposes.

These include:

providing our Games and other Services to you (including storing your progress through our Games);

optimizing and conducting analyses to improve the Games and Services we provide and developing new games and services;

enabling in-app purchases and social network integration;

providing customer support;

subject to your consent under applicable law, providing you with customized content and targeted offers, and advertising on the Games and/or Services, on other third-party sites or apps you may visit, or via e-mail;

using your Personal Information for reviewing the usage and operations of our Games, and Services;

using your Personal Information in an aggregated, non-specific format for analytical purposes (as detailed below);

preventing fraud, protect the security of our Games, and Services, and address any problems with the Games and/or Services;

maintaining records (subject to applicable law) and protecting our legal rights.

How We Protect Information

We make efforts to follow generally-accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to and collected by us, both during transmission and once we are in receipt of such information. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Third Parties SDK Privacy Policies

Links to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the our apps:

Google AdMob

Unity and Unity Analytics and

Unity Ads

Firebase Analytics and


You must be at least 16 years old (or any other age permissible by applicable law) to access and/or use our Games and/or Services. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information (as defined below) about children under the age of 16 (or any other age permissible by applicable law). In the event that you become aware that an individual under the age of 16 (or any other age prohibited under applicable law) has enrolled without parental permission, please advise us immediately.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

By email:
